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Did You Know?

Did You Know? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to public accommodations and commercial facilities, including childcare centers, daycare facilities, and schools. In regards to food allergies, the ADA requires these facilities to make reasonable modifications to accommodate individuals with food allergies, including providing alternatives to certain foods or taking steps to prevent accidental exposure to allergens.

Additionally, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides protections for students with disabilities, including those with food allergies, in public schools. IDEA requires schools to develop individualized education plans (IEPs) for these students that outline the necessary accommodations and support they need to succeed in the educational setting. This may include implementing food allergy management plans, providing training for staff and other students, and ensuring access to emergency medical equipment.

Overall, childcare centers, daycare facilities, and schools have a legal obligation to accommodate individuals with food allergies and to ensure their safety in the educational setting.

Elijah-Alavi Foundation©

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

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